by GrowSmart Maine | Mar 25, 2014 | GrowSmart News, Uncategorized
The Legislature has been going full speed this month and there’s much to report. The proposal to cap FY15 historic preservation tax credits (HPTC) on a statewide level reared its head once again but in the end, was rejected by the Committee on Appropriations and...
by GrowSmart Maine | Mar 25, 2014 | GrowSmart News, Uncategorized
"When environmentalist Tony Grassi takes a crazy gamble to rehab an abandoned Mill, he inspires both skepticism and hope that its revived bond with the river will breathe new life into the rural town of Freedom, Maine. With the help of a colorful team of...
by GrowSmart Maine | Mar 12, 2014 | GrowSmart News, Uncategorized
At Maine DOT, better roads and better budget go hand in hand New national report examines state spending on road expansion versus repair CONTACT: Nancy E. Smith,, 207.699.4430 x1 Craig Chester,, 202-215-8858...
by GrowSmart Maine | Mar 6, 2014 | GrowSmart News, Uncategorized
Testimony of Nancy Smith, Executive Director of GrowSmart Maine In opposition to the proposal to cap FY15 Historic Preservation Tax Credit March 5, 2014 Senator Hill, Representative Rotundo and members of the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and...