Kennebec Broadband Partnership Free Device Program and Application

A program of GrowSmart Maine


The Kennebec Broadband Partnership offers free laptops (refurbished by Give IT Get IT in Waterville)  and new tablets to eligible individuals in Kennebec County. Applicants must meet the following criteria: 

Identify as one of the following covered populations:

  • 60 years of age or over
  • Veteran
  • Recently incarcerated
  • English language learner or low-literacy
  • Ethnic minority
  • Disabled
  • Rural resident
  • Low-income (less than 200% of the Federal Poverty Level – see chart below)

Persons in family/household

Federal Poverty Level

200% of the Federal Poverty Level


























You will be required to agree to the following: 

  1. Complete a one-hour online class on Internet Safety within 30 days of receipt of the device. If you do not, you must return the device or be billed for its cost.
  2. The recipient must have an annual income of 200% or below the Federal Poverty Level, as indicated above. 

Optional, but the recipient is encouraged to participate in follow-up surveys conducted with device recipients.  



If you have any questions or need help with the application process, please email either: 

Calvin Lewis, Kennebec County Digital Navigator


Hildie Lipson, Kennebec Broadband Partnership Director