Technical assistance workshops webinar materials now online (Reposted from Smart Growth America)

Smart Growth America is now offering free technical assistance to local communities interested in building stronger local economies while protecting human health and the environment. A recent informational webinar on this free technical assistance provided an overview of the application process and available resources for prospective applicants. The materials of this webinar are now available online.

Smart Growth America’s Leadership Institute presented the webinar on this free technical assistance. The Leadership Institute has extensive experience helping local leaders create livable, sustainable and vital communities by providing the necessary tools and technical assistance to help communities move from visions to plans to execution.

Potential applicants will find in this webinar a summary of the application process, including important deadlines, eligibility requirements and where to direct further inquiries. First, Roger Millar, the Director of Smart Growth America’s Leadership Institute, provides an explanation of the technical assistance program and then discusses what makes an application competitive. Next, the technical assistance team, which includes a group of nationally recognized experts with broad experience assisting all types of communities, describes in detail the twelve available technical assistance tools. Finally, the webinar concludes by providing important logistical information about the application process.

Listen in: Click hear to view the archived webinar

In this webinar, learn how Smart Growth America’s free technical assistance can help your town or city grow stronger economically by using land strategically, making the most of existing resources and using public funds to catalyze private development. Explore the twelve ready to go technical assistance tools that have been successful in helping rural, urban and suburban communities grow in ways to benefit families and businesses all while protecting a sense of place. Become familiar with the selection criteria for this free technical assistance and what demonstrates a competitive application. And for prospective applicants, learn more about deadlines, next steps and where to get additional resources and help.

Download additional materials from the webinar at the link below:

Want to learn more about Smart Growth America’s free technical assistance?
Communities interested in this free-of-charge technical assistance can go to to learn more about this exciting opportunity. Full application guidelines as well as a digital application form are available there.

The technical assistance is funded by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Sustainable Communities under their Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities Program. The Building Blocks program funds quick, targeted assistance to communities that face common development problems. Three other nonprofit organizations—Cascade Land Conservancy, Global Green USA and Project for Public Spaces—also received competitively awarded grants under this program this year to help communities get the kinds of development they want.

