We've been highlighting the successes of some of the companies who will be represented at the Summit on our Facebook page, check it out! In the meantime, here is the 8th reason you should join us in Augusta on October 23!
Maine succeeds when we make connections across communities. Summit 2012 is about the entire state of Maine – not one region or a handful of communities and these breakout sessions will look at how partnerships can amplify individual impact. In the morning “Communications, Collaboration and Collective Impact” session, attendees will discover how making connections across our workday boundaries increases the impact of all individual efforts. Roger Millar of Smart Growth America will moderate and Jessie Seymour-Perkins of the Bethel Area Nonprofit Collaborative, Susan Corbett of Mighty Women of Washington County and Roxanne Eflin of the Maine Downtown Center, a partner of the Maine Downtown Coalition, will contribute to the discussion. In the afternoon, “National Initiatives with Statewide Impact” reports on Maine’s participation in national efforts to increase the impact of individual work through the Sustainable Solutions Initiative and the HUD Sustainable Communities Initiative. Explore the benefits and implementation of these initiatives under the guidance of Geoff Anderson of Smart Growth America and with the panelist expertise of Linda Silka and Karen Hutchins of the Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center, Carol Morris of Sustain Southern Maine and Ryan Pelletier, Director of Workforce Development for the Northern Maine Development Commission.
Summit 2012 Breakout Sessions allow you to explore in-depth the topics and issues that are important to you. At each session a moderator will introduce the topic at hand with panelists providing a brief overview of their work in the relevant area. Plenty of time will be devoted to Q&A and discussion with the audience.
Registration is now open for the Summit 2012. If you have already registered – thank you! Please forward these emails to a friend so they can come too! If you haven't yet registered, why wait? Members and students receive reduced rates, so register today and become a member at the same time.
We envision a day filled with engaging discussions, new ideas, exciting success stories and inspiring actions. But we can't do it without you. Your insights will expand the discussions, building the collective impact of the Summit and providing the direction and energy needed to move Maine toward sustainable prosperity. Register today and stay actively involved in growing Maine's economy and protecting the reasons we choose to live here.
See you at the Summit!