We're a week away from an engaging day of networking, collaborating, learning and doing. The GrowSmart Maine Summit promises to have all the right people in the room to make headway in Maine. We'll talk about jobs, rural economic development, local foods, tax credits, climate change, regional land use, public and private sector collaboration and so much more. But we need to ensure your voice is included. Register today.
The GrowSmart Maine Summit provides a unique perspective on Maine's economy, environment and communities. We thrive as a state when all three work well and work together. Maine communities have the power to conserve their beautiful natural spaces, enhance existing downtowns or Main Street, enable rural areas to be productive and prosperous, and save money through efficient use of existing infrastructure when they plan for a distinct and shared vision for the community – when residents, businesses and local government anticipate a sustainable town with cohesive and thriving neighborhoods. And in the end, this means that our children and their children will choose to make Maine home and our economy will provide the opportunities to do so.
Join us to celebrate the success stories happening here in Maine and plan for new ones. Register today.
See you on the 21st!