Smart Growth so 90s?

Author, Bryce Hach, Board Member and co-founder of Maine Food for Thought I joined the GrowSmart Maine Board of Directors in 2018. I remember telling friends and family at that time from outside of the state of my new role, and a frequent response I heard was “cool,...

The Triple Bottom Line – Carbon Edition

GreenBiz Guest Author & Board Member David Webster In all the years I have been involved in sustainability and climate change I have never used the term “triple bottom line.” That will change. Wikipedia describes it as: “The triple bottom line (or otherwise noted...
A Smart Growth Community in Maine?

A Smart Growth Community in Maine?

Doug Greene, AICP, RLA, serves on the Board of Directors of GrowSmart Maine and is the City Planner/Deputy Director, Planning and Code Enforcement, for Lewiston, Maine (he really does want to hear from you – click here for his contact info!). I’m a dreamer, and...

GrowSmart at a Glance – April-June 2018 

We offer to our subscribers this overview of our work across Maine in the second quarter of 2018. If you aren’t already a member, please consider supporting these programs at  The mission of GrowSmart Maine is to build...