Build Maine + GrowSmart Co-Host Series of Policy Action 2023 Planning Meetings

Build Maine and GrowSmart Maine are co-hosting a series of virtual crowdsourcing meetings from March to May to advance critical policies and projects that enhance Maine’s quality places, communities, and economy. The meetings will convene leaders from across the state and from varied disciplines who understand the current land use system, and who are in a position to help change it for the better. The objective is to have a coordinated set of policies ready for legislators to submit for the 2023 Legislative session. Meeting participants will identify policies, regulations, incentives, rules, practices, and cultural norms that can be addressed through state level policy changes to produce better outcomes for our state. This is an opportunity for participants to align and coordinate efforts, so everyone is pulling in the same direction. These meetings will be facilitated by Eric Kronberg, who will help navigate a robust and productive series of on-line sessions with energy and openness.

Read all the details and RSVP here.


