Free Trees!!!!

Project Canopy has always connected communities with trees. Since the beginning of the program in 1990, we have offered grants to communities for tree plantings. Since then, we have distributed millions of dollars in grant money to plant trees on streets, in parks, and in front yards throughout Maine.

This year, through the generosity of Dutton’s Nursery, in Morrill, Maine, we are offering a different type of tree planting opportunity. Dutton’s has unfortunately decided to close operations at the end of the season this year. Rather than wholesaling remaining stock, they have decided to give back to the communities that have supported their business over the years, by donating trees to Project Canopy. Cities, towns, schools, and non-profit organizations will be eligible to receive free trees for community planting.

Over one thousand trees are available, of over 75 species and varieties. Sizes range from 5 gallon shrubs to trees anywhere from 1 to 5” caliper. Two distribution dates in September and October, 2011 will be set aside to pick up trees at Dutton’s Nursery. Tree recipients will be responsible for picking up trees, while Dutton’s and Maine Forest Service staff will help load orders. All recipients must first submit an application/registration with Project Canopy, in order to track donations as well as to minimize problems on the distribution dates. For those smaller communities and organization that may not have the ability to transport the trees, there may be opportunities to consolidate transportation with larger service centers and surrounding Tree City USA communities. Project Canopy will work with you to make those connections. To receive the inventory of trees available, and to register, please contact Jan Ames Santerre at, or 287-4987.

