GSM’s Legislative Action List – Volume IV

Another addition to our list of bills we're working on…

L.D. 763, H.P. 570
An Act To Allow the Sale of Locally Produced Beer and Wine at Farmers' Markets. (Presented by Representative MacDONALD of Boothbay) This bill allows in-state manufacturers of wine or malt liquor to sell their wine or malt liquor at authorized farmers' markets in the State. GrowSmart Maine supports this legislation.

L.D. 1043, H.P. 778
An Act Making Unified Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government, General Fund and Other Funds, and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2012 and June 30, 2013. (EMERGENCY) (Governor's Bill) (Presented by Representative FLOOD of Winthrop)

Part FF – eliminates the State Planning Office – Rather than eliminating the State Planning Office, GrowSmart Maine Supports L.D. 769 (see earlier post) which calls for a thoughtful review of the current duties undertaken by the State Planning Office, with an eye towards realigning work with their core mission.

L.D. 852, S.P. 255
An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Support Maine's Natural Resource-based Economy. (Presented by Senator TRAHAN of Lincoln) The funds provided in this bond issue are to recapitalize the Land for Maine's Future program with $36,000,000 to continue Maine's land conservation efforts, leveraging a minimum of $36,000,000 in required matching funds. It provides $12,000,000 for natural resource industry based infrastructure improvements and enhancement related to natural resource industry and to provide capital for state park maintenance and improvements. It also gives land conservation projects that protect and enhance deer wintering habitat preference and directs the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and the Department of Conservation to pursue projects that protect and conserve deer wintering habitat. GrowSmart Maine supports this legislation.

L.D. 922, H.P. 682
Resolve, To Streamline the Laws Governing Small Slaughterhouses. (EMERGENCY) (Presented by Representative McCABE of Skowhegan) This resolve directs the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources to examine the laws and rules governing small slaughterhouses with particular emphasis on obstacles that prevent small slaughterhouses from processing many different species of animals as efficiently and safely as possible. The department shall examine the process it uses to answer questions posed to it by owners and operators of small slaughterhouses and describe steps it will take to ensure that the answers it provides are in writing and timely, clear, consistent and complete. The department shall report its findings to the Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry no later than May 1, 2011. The Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry may submit legislation to the First Regular Session of the 125th Legislature on the subject matter of the department's report. GrowSmart Maine supports this legislation

L.D. 1058, H.P. 793
Resolve, To Create a Mitigation Fund for Damage Caused by Unauthorized All-terrain Vehicle Use on Private Land. (Presented by Representative SHAW of Standish) This resolve requires the Department of Conservation and the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to jointly develop recommendations to establish and fund a mitigation fund for damage caused by unauthorized allterrain vehicle use on private land. The recommendations, along with any necessary implementing legislation, must be submitted to the Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife by January 1, 2012. GrowSmart Maine supports efforts to alleviate tensions between Maine's landowners and responsible outdoor recreationists. As is highlighted in the report generated by joint effort between SAM and SWOAM , the tradition of private landowners allowing public use of their lands is a key component of Maine's quality of place. The efforts outlined in this legislation pro-actively address challenges related to unauthorized use by some ATVers.

L.D. 1109, H.P. 821
Resolve, To Target Job Creation in the Agricultural Sector To Improve the Stability and Economic Strength of Rural Maine. (Presented by Representative McCABE of Skowhegan)
This resolve requires the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources and the Department of Labor to invite the participation of a task force to develop strategies to identify barriers to and create job growth in the agricultural sector. GrowSmart Maine supports this open approach to seeking creative opportunities and solutions to barriers for Maine farmers.



