Planning for Ag Legislative Outcomes 2023 Session

In June, GrowSmart Maine provided an update on the Policy Action 2023 bills, many of which have been carried over to the next session. Stay tuned for more information about next steps in ensuring effective implementation of those bills that passed, and next steps to prepare for the session in January.

If you haven’t done so yet, contact your Legislator to thank them for their service. Whether you agree with their votes or not—and it’s likely a mix—this is difficult and exhausting work that deserves recognition.

Download a PDF of the update here.




Last Action

LD 54

Adam Lee

HP 29, An Act To Require Compliance With Natural Or Agricultural Resource Protection Ordinances

GrowSmart supported this bill, which supported Auburn’s agriculture district rules, limiting housing development to households with 30% income from farm sales.. Given the failure of this bill, we support Auburn’s amended rules for its ag zone, which now requires some connection to the natural resource sector

for new housing.

Senate • Jun 01, 2023: Pursuant to Joint Rule 310.3 Placed in Legislative Files (DEAD)



Wayne Parry

HP 187, An Act To Require The State To Purchase Farms

Contaminated With Perfluoroalkyl And Polyfluoroalkyl Substances

As a member of the Land Transfer Subcommittee, GrowSmart monitored this bill, which would have required the State to pay no less than $20K/acre for contaminated farmland. In its final format, the bill simply adds a legislative per diem

for Commission meetings.

executive • Jun 16, 2023: Signed by




Craig Hickman

SP 135, An Act To Establish The Permanent Commission

On The Status Of Housing In Maine

GrowSmart will monitor, as work to address the housing crisis must be done without unwinding work to address the climate crisis and without creating a new crisis in access to food grounded in

Senate • Mar 30, 2023: CARRIED

OVER, in the same posture, to a subsequent special or regular session of the 131st Legislature, pursuant to Joint Order SP 594.

farmland protection and farm viability.



Teresa Pierce

SP 264, An Act To Exempt Certain Conservation Lots From Municipal Subdivision Review

GrowSmart submitted written support. This bill removes a potential barrier to land conservation by exempting conservation land transfers, including for agricultural purposes, from creating

subdivision lots.

executive • May 11, 2023: Signed by Governor





HP 775, An Act To Balance Renewable Energy Development With Natural And Working Lands Conservation

GrowSmart monitored but did not testify on this bill, which as amended, provides for the creation of a pilot project in

dual-use agriculture and solar generation.

Senate • Jun 14, 2023: On motion by Senator ROTUNDO of Androscoggin PLACED ON THE SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS TABLE pending PASSAGE TO BE ENACTED, in

concurrence. This bill was funded on July 7, 2023.



Craig Hickman

SP 511, An Act To Increase Land Access For Historically Disadvantaged Populations

GrowSmart submitted testimony in support of this bill.

Senate • Mar 30, 2023: CARRIED OVER, in the same posture, to a subsequent special or regular session of the 131st Legislature, pursuant to Joint

Order SP 594.





SP 624, An Act To Increase Affordable Housing


GrowSmart submitted testimony in support of this bill, also stating that housing development should be focused in established growth areas and not broadly across the landscape. As amended, it would have created a commission to study minimum size requirements for dwelling units.

House • May 25, 2023: Placed in the

Legislative Files. (DEAD)



Laurie Osher

HP 1077, Resolve, Directing The Department Of Agriculture, Conservation And Forestry To Study And Report On Soil Carbon Sequestration Incentive Programs

GrowSmart supported this resolve, which calls on the Dept. of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry to study and report on soil carbon sequestration incentive programs, including on

agricultural lands.

executive • Jun 12, 2023: Signed by Governor





HP 1089, An Act To Protect Agricultural Lands By Creating A Permitting Process For Solar Development On Those Lands

GrowSmart supported this bill, which would have addressed concerns with

solar installations over viable farmland.

Senate • Jun 06, 2023: Pursuant to Joint Rule 310.3 Placed in Legislative Files (DEAD)



Craig Hickman

SP 789, An Act To Promote Consistent Policies Within

Growth Management Programs In Order To Increase Food Security And Economic Resiliency In Local Communities.

House • May 16, 2023: In concurrence.


bill was carried over without a public hearing.


