Public Forum tonight in Lewiston, 7 p.m.

Public Forum in Lewiston Tonight at 7, on LURC and a national forest in Northern Maine.


GrowSmart Maine is actively engaged in conversations about the future of LURC; working with others who have recommended changes to how the Land Use Regulation Commission functions, but stressing the importatnce of keeping one agency and one process across Maine’s unorganized territories. 

GrowSmart Maine has not weighed in on the concept of a national park in Northern Maine

Our Executive Director, Nancy Smith, will be attending tonight’s forum, sponsored by the Androscoggin Land Trust, Stanton Bird Club and Harward Center for Community Partnerships at Bates College, to learn more and to hear what the people in the L/A area think about each issue. 

Both will have a major impact on that ever-present challenge of building our economy and communities on the foundation of our unique quality places. 

Hope to see you there!

