Life in Maine is most enjoyable this time of year. After an extraordinarily busy first half of 2021, we at GrowSmart Maine are able to thoroughly relish in Maine’s summer, as we celebrate the solid successes in our advocacy and community work, with housing choices, broadband, and climate action at the center of our work.
We continue our hard work in keeping Maine … Maine as we begin to pivot our focus to GrowSmart Maine’s Annual Summit and the Maine Alliance of Smart Growth Smart Growth Awards.
Read on for the details!
2021 MASG Nominations
deadline extended through
August 5th!
We love the opportunity we have every year to highlight and honor the great work being done across the state as people work to strengthen communities, protect open spaces, and build opportunity for all Mainers. These awards showcase what is possible when people involve a broad range of local stakeholders and neighbors, take a long term view, and thoughtfully consider how the form and location of development can contribute to community life and increase the value of the places they serve.
The call for new awards goes out in June, and winners are announced at GrowSmart’s summit. Please give thought to who you might nominate for this honor.
Turning Climate Action into Economic Opportunity:
Smart Growth Guidance for Maine Communities
November 4, 2021
in Biddeford and Satellite Locations Across Maine
Conflicts and opportunities abound right now for Maine’s diverse regions, iconic industries, and economies. In this environment, how will Maine ensure lasting positive impact from recent federal initiatives while activating our Climate Action Plan and 10-year economic plan?
Smart growth strategies can help turn risks to opportunity. At GrowSmart’s 2021 Summit you will hear success stories and learn the essential steps your community can take to stay ahead.
Learning from last year’s successful event, we will host the 2021 Summit at an anchor location in downtown Biddeford with several satellite venues across the State. We will also be prepared for those who want to participate virtually. As in 2020, we will follow up with a focused virtual forum the following week, building on the ideas generated at the Summit for further action.
Follow us on social media for updates about sponsorships, registration, and further details.
GrowSmart Maine’s Annual Summit
Sponsorship Opportunities
Maine’s premier annual smart growth summit attracts leaders from across sectors and across the state to share experiences, build knowledge, and create connections.
By sponsoring GrowSmart Maine’s Summit 2021 you will not only contribute to its success and be embedded in the opportunity to learn and connect, you will also be recognized for your commitment to building a sustainable future for Maine.
Summit Sponsor: Lead $3,000
Recognition: Half screen projection of logo, Recognition from the podium, Logo on Summit web page, Logo on promotional materials
Registrations: 10 complimentary registrations
Special Recognition: Sharing a 60-second video you create on social media with all audiences during event.
Summit Sponsor: Investor $2,000
Recognition: Quarter screen projection of logo, Recognition from the podium, Logo on Summit web page, Logo on promotional materials
Registrations: 6 complimentary registrations
Special Recognition: Sharing a 30-second video you create on social media and with all audiences during the event
Summit Sponsor: Partner $1,000
Recognition: Name screen projection, Recognition from the podium, Logo on Summit web page, Logo on promotional materials
Registrations: 4 complimentary registrations
Summit Supporter: $500
Recognition: Logo on GrowSmart Maine website, Logo on selected printed material
Registrations: 2 complimentary registrations
Single Location Exhibitor Space $250 (local nonprofits and small businesses)
Recognition: Space on community table for brochures, Recognition on GrowSmart Maine website
Registrations: 1 complimentary registration
Special Sponsorship Opportunities:
- Satellite Location Sponsor
- Keynote Sponsor
- Lunch Sponsor
- Media Sponsor
Let’s Talk!
To explore sponsorship opportunities, contact Nancy Smith
A Message About Our Work
Your Financial Support Makes All the Difference!
We know that as a GrowSmart Maine supporter, you share our belief that lasting prosperity in Maine is based on rural, suburban, and urban communities striving to achieve:
- a strong sense of identity,
- equity and overall well-being,
- right sized and well-maintained infrastructure,
- protected natural environment and climate,
- sustainable working forests, farms, and waterfronts,
- and an inclusive and effective civil engagement.
GrowSmart Maine is supporting these efforts through our events, advocacy, and community engagement.
- We are collaborating with partners in the Southern Kennebec County Working Communities Challenge to increase access to affordable housing, beginning with the debut of our Housing Choices webinar on June 22nd.
- Our updated Community Guides can be found on our website under “Our Work.”
- Smartinis networking events are planned for this summer and fall
- Our advocacy is making a difference in Augusta, as we support bills that expand housing options and increase planning resources for state, municipal and regional efforts to strengthen our communities. Through the Maine Broadband Coalition, internet policy has also been a focus of our advocacy, with new terms such as “pole attachment” and “symmetrical connections” part of the narrative.
- We are sponsoring the Press Herald’s Policy Matters year-long series of guided discussions from a policy, not a political, perspective for some of the biggest issues confronting Maine.
- GrowSmart Maine’s Nov 4th Summit will round out our year’s work.
While Maine’s abundant outdoors has sustained us through the past year, now eateries and entertainment venues are reopening, and mask requirements are being lifted. Some workers and entrepreneurs are returning to offices and workspaces. Perhaps we can breathe a collective and cautious sigh of relief and slowly create an even better “normal”.
While we acknowledge that your business and life may be far from normal, we ask that you support GrowSmart Maine so it can continue its work.
Please support our work by becoming a member, renewing your membership, or making a donation today.
We thank you for your continued interest in and support of the important work that GrowSmart Maine is doing. Thank you for helping to keep Maine … Maine.
GrowSmart Maine