Upcoming Workshop 5/8/18, Augusta – Rising Water: Adapting Maine Communities
Those in Maine who are lucky enough to live on or in close proximity to the ocean, lakes, rivers and estuaries are challenged by a rising sea level and more intense storms. Everywhere we look storm surges, extreme high tides, and flooding are happening. Join us in Augusta on May 8th to discuss these very real changes in our climate and how communities can respond.

Fort Kent, Maine, flood in 2008. Photo courtesy of Bangor Daily News
9-11:30a, Tuesday May 8th, Augusta City Hall Learning Gallery
This workshop provides a detailed exploration of NEW guidance documents created for the Municipal Planning Assistance Program that can help communities:
- assess hazard risk and community vulnerability,
- identify nature-based solutions,
- take conservation and restoration action, and
- measure the effectiveness of our actions to reduce flood risk
Our speakers’ perspectives will help to create the diverse conversation that communities need to both move forward and be productive.
Learn more and register now by clicking here for the May 8th workshop, Rising Water: Adapting Maine Communities
There are many resources available to help communities navigate these challenges.
We’ll not only walk attendees through use of the new series of guidance documents but also share engineered and technical solutions plus a comprehensive set of additional tools for municipalities, like these (and more!):
- Shore Up Technical Assistance Fund from the Island Institute: http://www.islandinstitute.org/sites/default/files/SLR_RFP_revised_web.pdf
- Maine Floodplain Management Program: http://www.maine.gov/dacf/flood/
- TNC’s Coastal Resilience network & tools: http://coastalresilience.org/
Learn more and register now by clicking here for the May 8th workshop, Rising Water: Adapting Maine Communities
This blog post created with the help of Madison Kushner