Why should you register for the GrowSmart Maine Summit 2014 – The Dollars and $ense of Smart Growth?
Are you interested in preserving and reusing Maine's historic buildings – bringing life and jobs back to the old mill buildings that line Maine's waterways or the brick and granite treasures along our main streets? In the afternoon breakout session entitled "Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit: A New England Perspective", you'll hear from experts from across the Northeast with success stories in financing, overcoming regulatory barriers and preservation challenges giving you the tools to apply in your own neighborhood.
Maybe you'd rather see a wide-ranging performance of "Maine at Work" based on historical documents and characters, humor, little-known facts, thought-provoking tales (tall and otherwise), coupled with an engaging discussion of innovation happening right here and now?
Register now! Tuesday, October 21st at the Augusta Civic Center
The Summit offers you a wonderful opportunity to be a part of the transformative change in Maine that we’ve seen these gatherings produce. We encourage you to consider the value of being actively involved in growing Maine’s economy and protecting the reasons we choose to live here.
It will be a spectacular, inspiring and informative day. But we can't do it without you. Your insights will expand the discussions, building the collective impact of the Summit and providing the direction and energy needed to move Maine toward sustainable prosperity. Register today and stay actively involved in growing Maine's economy and protecting the reasons we choose to live here.
Members receive reduced registration, so join now!
Don't miss out on this opportunity to help keep Maine . . . Maine. Register today.
Generously sponsored by:


Richard Berman
Betterment Foundation Elmina B. Sewall Foundation
Horizon Foundation Lerner Foundation Maine Community Foundation
Maine Community Health Options
Table Sponsors:
Androscoggin Bank Maine Farmland Trust
