Kennebec County Digital Equity Stipend 2024

A program of GrowSmart Maine, with funding from the

Maine Connectivity Authority


This stipend program provides funds to libraries, tribal organizations, and nonprofit organizations in Kennebec County. The funds support programs that increase digital literacy, provide device access, and promote online safety.

Stipends can be used:

  • To pay salaries or stipends for additional staff time needed to administer or present digital equity programs or help people one-on-one.
  • To purchase devices for public use such as laptops, tablets, ebooks, loanable hotspots, large screen TVs for group classes, or other IT needs (e.g. commercial grade router).
  • For furniture or other equipment needed to outfit a remote workspace.
  • For public outreach and communications to advertise training/help sessions.
  • Other training specific to the target population. For example, navigating government benefit websites or online employment sites.


The project must focus on at least one of the following covered populations:

  • Low-income (< 150% FPL)
  • Seniors (> 60)
  • Rural residents
  • Persons with disabilities
  • Members of a racial or ethnic minority group
  • Veterans
  • Individuals with a language barrier, including those who are English learners or have low literacy levels
  • Incarcerated individuals



To Apply: Download this Word or PDF Criteria and Application.

Or Apply online. 

For more information or to discuss your proposed project or application, please contact Hildie Lipson, Program Director.