What Does Your Community Value?
Making Headway in Your Community
Making Headway in Your Community is a community development program that helps residents identify what they value most in their town and provides tools to protect and build on these assets.
The process, led by GrowSmart Maine, has supported a series of community-driven events over a 6-8 month period in more than a dozen Maine communities. During the program, community projects were funded with a local match in order to build leadership capacity at the local level and improve connections within the community.
Grounded in Smart Growth
Making Headway in Your Community is grounded in smart growth principles because it expands the kind of community interaction and support that is necessary for strong community planning, and offers guidance to communities considering what values they share and how to build those into their community.
GrowSmart Maine is currently in the process of adapting this program to the changing needs of Maine communities, with an emphasis on expanding leadership opportunities and interaction among Making Headway communities.
Making Headway in our Communities
GrowSmart Maine has worked with now fourteen communities across Maine and helped to advance a total of 21 projects. Below are summaries of the work that has taken place in each community.

- Bucksport
- Eastport
- Katahdin Region
- Medway
- East Millinocket
- Millinocket
- Livermore Falls Region
- Jay
- Livermore
- Livermore Falls