GrowSmart News and Updates
GrowSmart Maine is actively involved in advocacy and initiatives that directly impact the quality of life of all Mainers. We’ll share our news here frequently. As a GrowSmart Maine member, you’ll get updates via email, directly to your inbox. Consider joining today!
GrowSmart News and Updates
Solstice Musings by Sally Stockwell
Last month, just as the dawn was breaking on the shortest day of the year, I clipped into my Nordic skis and went for a long ramble though the woods behind my house. Two days earlier we had received 18” of fresh light snow. Towards the tail-end of that storm I...
Diversity and Development: Drawing Our Focus Beyond December
As Octivia Butler wrote "the only lasting truth is Change". We can all attest that the year of 2020 has been full of lasting truth. As we wrap up this year, and look forward to (hopefully) fewer unprecedented moments in 2021, we invite you to take a few minutes...
November 2020 Newsletter
Friends, We're halfway to Thanksgiving! We've had our post-Summit forum, and are gearing up for the giving season. What’s Next? GrowSmart’s 2020 Summit took on questions that are even more relevant given our collective experience with the coronavirus pandemic: where...
Following up on GrowSmart Maine’s 2020 Summit
Following up on GrowSmart Maine's 2020 Summit Flexing the Power of Home Rule: A Path Toward Regional Solutions We are excited to build on the important discussions had during this year's Summit and the Post-Summit forum. How can we all affect local change, especially...
2020 Smart Growth Awards
October 22, 2020 From: GrowSmart Maine, Contact: Nancy Smith, Executive Director, 207-215-7183 Web Link FMI: YouTube Link to Smart Growth 2020 Award...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: GrowSmart Maine Opposes Question C in Portland
PRESS RELEASE CONTACT: Nancy E Smith Email: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Oct. 16, 2020 GrowSmart Maine Opposes Question C in Portland PORTLAND – GrowSmart Maine, an organization committed to helping the state grow in a sustainable and equitable way,...

Views on our Venues: Our new Summit Structure
We continue our "Summit Series" posts providing additional information as we count down the days to GrowSmart Maine's Annual Summit: Flexing the Power of Home Rule: A Path Toward Regional Solutions, on October 22, 2020. Today we share about our unique summit...
Key Points About Our Keynotes: GrowSmart Maine’s 2020 Annual Summit
This is the first in a series of blogs providing additional information as we count down the days to GrowSmart Maine's Annual Summit: Flexing the Power of Home Rule: A Path Toward Regional Solutions, on October 22, 2020. Read on for information about our keynotes...

A New Kind of Summit with a Powerhouse Theme
By Ben Smith, GSM Board member, North Star Planning GrowSmart Maine’s Annual Summit is coming up on October 22, and there are so many reasons to make room on your calendar to attend. Register now. The theme of this year’s Summit is Flexing the Power of Home Rule: A...
Another Housing Solution – Adaptive Reuse, Housing and Land Banks
By Rebecca Casey, GrowSmart Board Member GrowSmart Maine has been working with partners and state government to expand the use of Maine’s historic preservation tax credits to adaptive reuse programs. What will this achieve? It will encourage people to re-use our...