Policy Action 2025 Launch

GrowSmart and Build Maine invite you to join in launching of Policy Action 2025

** a collaborative, open source process to craft legislative policy, open to all **

June 12th, 3-4:30pm on Zoom

Policy Action 2023

Check the status of pending legislation that we’re tracking as part of Policy Action 2023.

Planning for Agriculture

Help your community plan for farmland protection and viability

Community Guides:

Resources On How To Grow Smart

Kennebec Broadband Partnership

Working to bring high-speed internet to everyone in Kennebec County.

GrowSmart Webinars

View past webinars and keep up to date with what’s up next


Helping Maine communities manage change in alignment with smart growth

Maine has many strengths: iconic landscapes and architecture, a strong sense of local community, and our gritty, independent spirit.

GrowSmart Maine believes these strengths are the foundation for lasting prosperity. Our smart growth goals include downtown revitalization, conservation of farmland, forest and shoreland, and support for economic development that benefits not just today’s Mainers but future generations.


GrowSmart Maine supports communities in navigating change by convening to action, sharing thought leadership, and advocating, all in alignment with smart growth principles.  


Check out our events calendar for upcoming webinars and events by GrowSmart Maine and our partners.


Twenty years Of

GrowSmart Maine

GrowSmart Maine has proudly worked with Maine communities for twenty years. Have you ever wondered about our origin and the principles we’ve organized around? Read these reports:

Charting Maine’s Future (2006)

Charting Maine’s Future: Making Headways (2012)