GrowSmart News and Updates
GrowSmart Maine is actively involved in advocacy and initiatives that directly impact the quality of life of all Mainers. We’ll share our news here frequently. As a GrowSmart Maine member, you’ll get updates via email, directly to your inbox. Consider joining today!
GrowSmart News and Updates
Growsmart Maine Partners with Kennebec Savings Bank to bring Portland Press Herald Policy Matters Discussion on Women and Aging
Growsmart Maine is partnering with Kennebec Savings Bank to bring you this Portland Press Herald Policy Matters discussion on Women and Aging: A Crisis Unfolds. Join moderator Carol Coultas and panelists Jessica Maurer, executive director of the Maine Council on...
GrowSmart and Maine Audubon Host Maine Climate Action Webinar Series
Join Maine Audubon and GrowSmart Maine for a three-part webinar series highlighting climate change actions YOU can take, This Climate Action Webinar Series is free, and is held Noon to 1 pm on three consecutive Thursdays in May. May 12th: Maine’s Climate Action...
May 2022 Newsletter from GrowSmart Maine
Spring is in the air, the daffodils are blooming, and summer will be here soon. This past month we were heavily engaged in advocacy with a variety of bills impacting funding, land use and housing, and equity. GrowSmart Maine continues to conduct our advocacy through...
Build Maine + GrowSmart Co-Host Series of Policy Action 2023 Planning Meetings
Build Maine and GrowSmart Maine are co-hosting a series of virtual crowdsourcing meetings from March to May to advance critical policies and projects that enhance Maine’s quality places, communities, and economy. The meetings will convene leaders from across the state...
Op-Ed: Numerous Bills Will Help Maine Address Affordable Housing Needs
The housing need in Maine is great, with solutions lagging far behind and overdue. Five building blocks of state policy to increase housing stock in Maine, with a particular focus on affordable housing, have been reported out of legislative committees and are headed to the House and Senate where debate will likely continue.
March 2022 Newsletter from GrowSmart Maine
March 2022 Newsletter from GrowSmart Maine We can feel spring in the air, though we know there will be more snow as the seasons transitions. Changes here at GrowSmart Maine as well, as we welcome our new Membership Coordinator, advocate for smart growth outcomes in...
February 2022 Newsletter from GrowSmart Maine
Today, we are sharing information on our upcoming webinar and providing an update on our advocacy in the Statehouse. WEBINAR: Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: Can Transportation and other Infrastructure investment lead to Smart Growth in Maine? We hope you’ll...
Guest Blog: Reflections on Community Planning
REFLECTIONS ON COMMUNITY PLANNING by Anthony Dater, APA (former AICP), Kennebunk, ME Here are several reflections looking back over a career in community planning from 1969 onwards. The legal framework within which planners work should be enlarged from serving public...

GrowSmart Featured by Northern New England Chapter of American Planning Association
We're thrilled to be featured in the December 2021 Edition #16 of Front Page, the e-magazine published by the Northern New England Chapter of the American Planning Association. The Summit, held on November 4th, honored four outstanding organizations, projects, and...

The Maine Broadband Coalition and GrowSmart Maine
GrowSmart Maine has been pleased to be a member of the Advisory Committee for the Maine Broadband Coalition since its inception. The Maine Broadband Coalition (MBC) is a network of public policy wonks, educational advocates, businesses, non-profit organizations,...