What's Happening?

Smart Growth Updates

Smart Growth news updates from Maine and beyond on topics of affordable housing, climate change, energy, sustainability, innovation, policy, and more.

USDA Stakeholder Announcement

USDA Seeks Applications to Support Rural Entrepreneurs and Create Jobs for People in Rural America WASHINGTON, Nov. 23, 2022 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Under Secretary Xochitl Torres Small today announced that USDA is accepting...

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What Does Equity in Smart Growth Really Mean:

A Conversation Between Calvin Gladney and

Andre Perry

Black Lives Matter

GrowSmart Maine is committed to doing our part to end racial inequality throughout Maine and our nation.

Navigating Today

We don’t know what the future holds. But then, we never have. Though most of us crave the illusion of control, we now find ourselves sharing this unsolicited opportunity to instead find our sea legs so we can more easily respond to the unexpected while keeping our sights on the horizon. GrowSmart Maine is here to help navigate the course.

Smart GrowthIn Maine